Join the AB 617 Steering Committee


12/31/2020 - 01/01/2021    
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Join the AB 617 Steering Committee

What is AB 617?

AB 617 is a state law that requires the California Air Resources Board and local air districts to develop and implement additional emissions monitoring, reduction plans, and measures to reduce air pollution exposure in communities with environmental justice issues.

What is a Community Steering Committee?

A Steering Committee is a community group that will direct the process of developing a Community Emissions and Exposure Reduction Plan. Steering Committee membership should reflect the diverse makeup of the Richmond-North Richmond-San Pablo Area and should bring together a group with various types of knowledge and expertise.

What are the requirements?

If you live, work, or volunteer in the AB 617 study area and would like to participate in helping improve your community’s air and quality of life, you may be eligible to join the Steering Committee. Becoming a member will require training, participation, and attendance at regular meetings. Members will be selected to include a diversity of perspectives, expertise, and backgrounds.

How do I apply?

Interested community members are invited to submit applications via our Richmond Area Community Health Protection Program web page. Applicants will need to submit both a completed application and a Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure Form. Both documents are available in English and Spanish on our website.

If you have questions, please contact Air District staff at